
Addie is a spunky, smart, sweet and loving 5-year-old. In May of 2017 at the age of three Addie had a seizure while we were on vacation in Florida. It would be three months before we were finally able to have an MRI but on August 9th of 2017, we were told that our daughter had what was thought to be a benign brain tumor. After a lot of research, we ended up in Ft. Worth, TX for surgery on September 11th. Two days later we were told that Addie had a rare form of brain cancer, Supratentorial Anaplastic Ependymoma. She would undergo 6 weeks of Proton Radiation @ Procure in Oklahoma City finishing treatment on November 29, 2017.Addie was a rock-star throughout her treatment. She does have permanent hair loss at her radiation/tumor site but she makes it look good! We are so proud of her courage and bravery. She will continue to be monitored for the next 10 years and we pray each and every day that she will remain cancer free! She is our hero!!

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Friends of Layla

Layla’s Legacy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization funding innovative pediatric brain cancer research while bringing hope and help to families impacted by the disease.

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