Here at Layla’s Legacy we are committed to funding innovative research and supporting families impacted by the disease. We’ve committed to donating 60% of our proceeds to pediatric brain cancer research, like that being done at UT Southwestern and University of Florida. We have a particular connection to the study at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Under the direction of Dr. Elizabeth Maher, a team is researching the metabolism of cancer cells – specifically pediatric brain cancer. Layla’s tumor is part of this study and our very first grant awarded went towards this innovative research!
In addition to research, we understand the financial hardships that families face as their child is undergoing treatment. Many families travel long distances so their children can be treated at the best facilities or face skyrocketing out-of-pocket expenses for procedures and medications. By providing financial assistance, Layla’s Legacy is able to pay forward the generosity that the Stamps received while Layla was in treatment. Our foundation works closely with the social workers at hospitals to understand specific needs families have.