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Friends of Layla's Legacy Story Submission

Please use the form below to tell us about your child. There is a place to upload their photo as well. We do our best to have all submissions updated on the site within a week after they are submitted. Thank you for allowing us to share your journey with others!

Super Stan

Stanley Harbour Evans, otherwise known as SuperStan, was an amazing little boy with a beautiful smile and a heart of gold. SuperStan was a courageous boy who bravely endured chemotherapy and 3 stem cell transplants to conquer medulloblastoma, a form of brain cancer, all at the young age of 2. Stan also had three eye

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Katie Rose was diagnosed with congenital glioblastoma at 4 weeks old. She had brain surgery to remove as much as possible of the tumor and is now undergoing inpatient chemotherapy.The night she was admitted and the mass was discovered, her medical team could not assure us she would survive the night. She did and she

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So, how we arrived here… A few months back we noticed a slight tremor in Grayson’s hands, primarily in the morning along with some delayed speech development. We immediately began speech therapy, where our speech therapist, Heather, along with our friend Charity advised that due to the above-mentioned tremor we should engage a Neurologist to

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