Submit Your Story

Friends of Layla's Legacy Story Submission

Please use the form below to tell us about your child. There is a place to upload their photo as well. We do our best to have all submissions updated on the site within a week after they are submitted. Thank you for allowing us to share your journey with others!


This sweet boy has been in our lives now for seven months, the best seven months of our lives. In January, we noticed some bumps on his back in the muscle between the ribs. We were initially dismissive, but the bumps kept getting larger. We ended up doing an ultrasound, then an MRI, then a

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My daughter Megan is 15 years old and fighting a high-grade Glioma in her spinal cord. It is considered Glioblastoma Multiforme grade 4, but with a rare presentation in her spinal cord. She had emergency surgery on October 1, 2018, after becoming nearly paralyzed over a 12 hour period. The day before this all happened,

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“I think you should have a seat”…. The worst seven words a parent can hear. On December 1st, Maggie-Jo Roqueni aka “MJ the Fighter” was a 3-year-old who was struggling to keep food down and visited a Gastroenterologist doctor after months of no relief. After about 3 minutes he sent us immediately to the Emergency

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