It feels like a million years since I blogged. So much has happened in the past 2 weeks. Some good, some bad, even a little bit life changing. The week after the most recent MRI we were in full blown “golf” mode for the tournament on the 31st. Everything went off beautifully and a fantastic time was had by all. No rest for the weary though. The next day was Layla’s pre op appointment with the neurosurgeon and then her surgery was the next day. We spent one night in the hospital and came home Thursday. We took it easy Friday and that’s the plan for the rest of the weekend.
Monday will be the beginning of our next adventure. We start Layla’s newest chemo protocol which includes inter-cranial injections (basically chemo right into her brain). As you can imagine, it will be a challenge to keep a 4 year old still while the doctor puts a needle in her noggin. Don’t worry, it will be numb and she won’t feel anything. We would appreciate prayers for her courage and the ability for her to sit still for a minute. We’ll have to do that every day next week. Then we have a series of medications she’ll be taking at home over the next 6 weeks. After that we’ll have another MRI.
School starts soon, which will be a welcome distraction for everyone. We’ll get into a new routine with treatment and find normal for the next 6 weeks. God willing this new treatment will show positive results. We could really use a win 👍🏼
Bryan and I thank you all for the daily prayers.